Tanzanian air travellers can now enjoy faster clearances at airports, thanks to a common continental COVID-19 digital passport innovation developed by the African Union (AU), through its lead health agency, the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC).
The technology platform, known as Trusted Travel, will enable passengers from Tanzania and across Africa to securely and easily verify compliance with COVID-19 test or vaccine travel requirements issued by their destinations of choice.
The solution, provided at no cost by the AU to African airlines, has been in use since March 2021 and has seen delays and long queues at airports gradually becoming a thing of the past for passengers boarding Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Airways and Asky Airlines.
The new platform has been designed to be capable of incorporation into airlines’ own apps, so air travellers can easily understand what they need before they fly. AU said they can also be accessed directly by travellers.
It is also becoming easier for passengers to share the test and vaccination certificates with authorities and airlines to facilitate travel through the Trusted Testing Code (TT Code) which shows that the test was done in an approved Trusted Lab.
The TT Code is used as evidence of the test to generate a Travel Code (TC) for international travel. TT Code and TC are now unique African inventions for travel clearance management in the context of international travel in a health emergency.
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